Wednesday 21 January 2009

Seeing Stars!

Just a quick post to show you some work in progress ...

Some stars for some stars :-)

I have been directing the village panto and tonight is our opening night. If you find yourself in the Eaton Bray area do come along and see Star Wreck, 2009 A Space Oddity, It should be a giggle and you will certainly be seeing some stars. Do get in touch if you want the details.

These are some of the elements of a batch of 50 thank you cards I need for all the wonderful people who are making the panto possible. I now have made most of the elements, just a little stamping to go and then assembly, before the longest job of all - writing them! I dont know about you but if I have a large batch of cards to do, I find it quicker to make all the parts first, so stamp all the images, cut them all out etc etc.

Do check back soon to see the final card

Happy Crafting



  1. Exactly how I mass produce too Bekka!

    Loads of luck with the panto - shame I live so far away!

    Looking forward to seeing the finished card - looks good!!

    Hugs Kate x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Bekka,
    I've been awarded with a Blog Award today and I needed to nominate ten other blogs that inspire me, one of which is yours.

    Please click on my name to pop over to my blog to give it a read and to pick up an award I have for you!

    Thank you for you inspiration.
    Nicci x x

  4. Link was wrong! there is an award waiting for you at
