Monday 23 June 2014

MDS Monday - Penguins Make Me Smile

A lot of my friends have been taking part in 100 Days of Happy or taking part in one of the shorter versions where they post about things that they are grateful for.  I love challenges like this and do something similar myself so thought today I would share a page about something, or rather some things, that never fail to make me smile when I see them.  Penguins.
Penguins Make Me Smile Digital Scrapbook Page by Stampin' Up! Uk Independent Demonstrator Bekka - check her blog every Monday for Digital Crafting Inspiration
I took these photos on a recent trip to Whipsnade Zoo with friends, and these little chaps were very popular especially with the younger members of our group.  The page was made using My Digital Studio (MDS) from Stampin' Up! and you can find out more about it here.

I wonder what makes you smile every time?  If I looked at your scrapbooks would I see a page or three about it?  I would love to see you pages

Happy Stampin'
Bekka Prideaux - Stampin' Up! in UK, Nederlands, Österreich, Deutschland & France.  Top Demonstrator.  Buy Stampin' Up! at Card Making and Scrapbooking Supplies or start your own Stampin' Up! business. Join Stampin' Up! here
To purchase the items used to make these project visit my on line store at or clicking on the highlighted item above.

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