Monday 11 July 2016

Make in a Moment Monday - Touches of Texture Congratulations Card

This week's Make in A Moment Monday card features a stamp set that has very rapidly become a firm favourite of mine - Touches of Texture from Stampin' Up! UK, it is two whole cases of stamping loveliness with more possibilities than I can imagine!
Make in a Moment Congratulations Card featuring the Touches of Texture Stamp Set from Stampin' Up! UK - Get Everything you need to make this card here.
I love these messy style flowers and as well as looking great the style of them means you can just stamp without really even having to think.
Make in a Moment Congratulations Card featuring the Touches of Texture Stamp Set from Stampin' Up! UK - Get Everything you need to make this card here.
Here is a picture of most of the things I used to make the card.  They and the delightful silver heart embellishments are available in my on line store - just click on them below to go right to them.
Make in a Moment Congratulations Card featuring the Touches of Texture Stamp Set from Stampin' Up! UK - Get Everything you need to make this card here.
And don't forget the Bonus Days Promotion between now and the end of July which means you can earn a voucher from Stampin' Up! when your order comes to more than £45 before post and packing.

Happy Stampin'
Buy Stampin' Up! UK here. Bekka Prideaux - Stampin' Up! UK Top Independent Demonstrator.  Buy Stampin' Up! at Card Making, Project Life, Scrapbooking Supplies or start your own Stampin' Up! business. Join Stampin' Up! UK here

Click here to join my team

If you would like to place an order please visit my on line store at  Please show your support by using the current hostess code shown on the right hand side of this blog and a thank you gift will follow in the post

Supplies used:

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