For this week's Find Out About Friday I have a little Halloween Treat for you - a quick and easy trick for keeping your Clear Mount Stamping Blocks clean so your Clear Mount Stamps will stick to them easily.
There are few things ore frustrating than having a clear mount stamp fall off your stamping blocks and onto your beautiful project spreading ink everywhere you don't want it - and one of the main reasons this can happen is having dirty stamp blocks. The blocks slowly accumulate ink and sticky residue as you use them - and yes keeping them quite clean by using your stamping scrub helps a lot but eventually you will need to really clean them. This does not have to be difficult as I hope this short video shows you.
If you have not yet subscribed to my You Tube Channel please do and you will see the new videos as I post them. Please also share this tip with your friends and lets keep our stamps sticking well to our blocks!
Happy Stampin'

To purchase the items used to make these project visit my on line store at or clicking on the highlighted item above. Please show your support by using the current hostess code shown on the right hand side of this blog
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